Programme général et des sessions > By Session
Extension septentrionale des mangroves lors de quatre maxima thermiques (56 Ma, 51-49 Ma, 17-15 Ma, aujourd'hui) Jean-Pierre Suc
Quelle influence du forçage orbital sur le climat et les biomes de l'Éocène et de l'Oligocène ? Delphine Tardif, Agathe Toumoulin, frédéric fluteau, Guillaume Le Hir, Yannick Donnadieu, Alexis Licht, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Natasha Barbolini, Carina Hoorn, Jean-Baptiste Ladant, Pierre Sepulchre, Nicolas VIOVY
Quantifying sedimentation rates during early rifting. Tectonic versus climate controls on alluvial sedimentation in the Plio-Pleistocene Corinth rift (Greece) Romain Hemelsdael, Julien Charreau, Mary Ford, Maria Sekar Proborukmi, Brigitte Urban, Fabrice Malartre, Pierre-Henri Blard
Early syn-rift sedimentation and paleoenvironments in the easternmost end of the Corinth rift (Greece): IODP 381 Hole M0080A. Romain Hemelsdael, Rob Gawthorpe
Étude paléoenvironnementale et paléoclimatique multi-proxies des bassins fini-carbonifères à permiens du N-E du Massif central. Mathilde Mercuzot, Pierre Pellenard, sylvie bourquin, Christophe Thomazo, Mathieu Martinez, Laurent Beccaletto, Johann SCHNYDER, François BAUDIN
Reconstruction of extreme events (storms, floods and tsunamis) from the coastal sedimentary files in the Coquimbo region, 30 ° S, Chile. Karen Araya Flores, Antonio Maldonado, Praxedes Muñoz, Kevin Pedoja, Laurent Dezileau
Paleoenvironmental reconstructions and sequence stratigraphy model of a deep lake to alluvial plain system evolution of a rift basin: an example from the Paleogene Vistrenque graben (SE France) Nazim Semmani, François Fournier