Programme général et des sessions > Par session
The record of fluid pressure variations by quartz geochemistry Hugues Raimbourg, Kristijan Rajic, Vincent Famin, Benjamin Moris-Muttoni, Donald Fisher, Kristin Morell, Saskia Erdmann, Ida DI CARLO, Clément Montmartin
Raman Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Material record in pseudotachylytes: heating or deformation? Benjamin Moris-Muttoni, Romain Augier, Hugues Raimbourg, Rémi champallier, Emmanuel Le Trong, Abdeltif Lahfid
Migration de la fosse et déformation de la plaque supérieure en zone de subduction: le rôle des mouvements mantelliques asthénosphériques Manar Alsaif, Fanny GAREL, Frédéric Gueydan, D. Rhodri Davies
Various modes of oceanic subduction initiation in a modern Earth Serge Lallemand, Diane Arcay
Evolution and composition of fluid inclusion in the Eclogitic Micaschist Complex (Sesia-Lanzo Zone, Western Italian Alps) Michele Zucali, Sisson Jinny, Fumagalli Patrizia
Massive formation of lawsonite in subducted sediments from the Schistes Lustrés (W. Alps): implications for mass transfer and decarbonation in cold subduction zones Benjamin LEFEUVRE, Philippe Agard, Anne Verlaguet, Benoît Dubacq, Alexis Plunder
Relation between Fluid Migration and the Deep Crustal Structure at the Lesser Antilles Island arc. Frauke Klingelhoefer, Boris Marcaillou, Muriel Laurencin, Milton Boucard, Mireille Laigle, Jean-Frédéric Lebrun, Laure Schenini, David Graindorge, Mikael Evain, Youssef Biari, Francis Lucazeau, Frédérique Rolandone, Heidrun Kopp
Forearc mantle wedge devolatilization during continental subduction and collision: a reappraisal of Tso Morari (Ladakh, India) serpentinite petrology Baptiste Debret, Pierre Bouilhol, Christian Nicollet, Sebastien Castelltort, Sternai Pietro
Heat Flow measurements reveal pervasive fluid circulation, related to the subducting slow-spreading oceanic basement, within the Northern Lesser Antilles outer forearc. Kingsley Ezenwaka, Boris Marcaillou, Mireille Laigle, Frauke Klingelhoefer, Youssef Biari, Jean-Frédéric Lebrun, Francis Lucazeau, Frédérique Rolandone, Arnauld HEURET, Thibaud Pichot
A review of strain partitioning in the Northern Lesser Antilles (Guadeloupe to Virgin Island) Boris Marcaillou, Muriel Laurencin, Milton Boucard, Jean-Frédéric Lebrun, David Graindorge, Frauke Klingelhoefer, Mireille Laigle, Serge Lallemand, Laure Schenini
How does a subduction initiate at an oceanic transform fault? Counter-intuitive insights from numerical experiments Diane Arcay, Serge Lallemand, Sarah Abecassis, Fanny GAREL
Une longue phase de nucléation identifiée par Machine Learning pour les séismes lents des Cascades Claudia Hulbert
Extension as a major tectonic process of the evolution of Southern Ecuador compressional forearc Cédric Bulois
A comparison of the post-seismic deformation of Maule and Illapel earthquakes: Highlights on the presence of a low viscosity channel over the deep subduction interface Hugo Boulze, Christophe Vigny, Emilie Klein, Luce Fleitout
Systematic characterization of slow slip events along the Mexican subduction zone from 2000 to 2019 Mathilde Radiguet, ekaterina Kazachkina, louise maubant, Nathalie Cotte, Vladimir Kostoglodov, Adriano Gualandi, Kristel Chanard
Deformation and peak-metamorphic temperature in Kodiak accretionary complex, Alaska Kristijan Rajic, Hugues Raimbourg, Vincent Famin, Donald Fisher, Kristin Morell
Apport de l'interprétation sismostratigraphique à travers l'arc des Petites Antilles à la compréhension des mouvements verticaux régionaux au cours du Cénozoïque Martin Doligez, Jean-Frederic Lebrun, Jean-Jacques Cornée, Mélody Philippon, Beslier Marie-Odile, Lyvane De Min, Mireille Laigle, Serge Lallemand, Lucie Legendre, Boris Marcaillou, Philippe Munch, Laure Schenini
15-year acceleration along the Japan trench and the Salami trough Lou Marill, David Marsan, Anne SOCQUET, Mathilde Radiguet, Nathalie Cotte, Baptiste Rousset
Relier les déformations intersismiques et la croissance de la topographie dans les zones de subduction Romain Jolivet, Luca Dal Zilio, Mark Simons, Jean-Arthur Olive, Zacharie Duputel, Harsha S. Bhat, Quentin Bletery
The control of the northern and southern Caribbean plate boundaries on the tectonic duality in the back-arc of the Lesser Antilles subduction zone during the Eocene Nestor Cerpa, Diane Arcay, Riad Hassani, Serge Lallemand, Clément Garrocq, Mélody Philippon, Jean-Jacques Cornée, Philippe Munch, Fanny GAREL, Boris Marcaillou, Bernard Mercier de Lépinay, Jean-Frédéric Lebrun
Set the cadence of basal-accretion events along the subduction interface: a geological monitoring of the Hellenic margin Armel Menant, Johannes Glodny, Samuel Angiboust, Romain Augier, Onno Oncken, Laurent Jolivet, Eloïse Bessière, Taras Gerya
From Mg/Ca-carbonates to organic compounds at high pressure: the carbon journey at the Monviso meta-ophiolite Clara Caurant, Baptiste Debret, Bénédicte Menez
Oceanic subduction in the Alps Philippe Agard, Mark Handy
Slabitization: mechanisms controlling subduction development and viscous coupling Philippe Agard, Cécile Prigent, Mathieu Soret, Benoît Dubacq, Stéphane Guillot, Damien Deldicque
Geodynamic controls at the southernmost Northern Andes magmatic arc: geochemical and geophysical evidence César Witt, Aizprua Carlos, Delphine Bosch, Marc Poujol, Massimo Chiaradia
The Indian Plate in the Ganges-Meghna-Brahmaputra delta: exploring the thermal effects of extreme sedimentation on the seismogenesis Celine Grall, Michael Steckler, Jordan Pierre, Paul Betka, Valérie Ballu, Roger Buck, Syed Humayun Akther
Ca-metasomatism of lawsonite eclogite-facies metasediment evidence high-pressure intra-slab C-O-H-S fluid transfer Antonin T Laurent, Adélie Delacour, June Chevet
Hydrogeological properties at the toe of the Nankai accretionary prism, combining drilling and petrophysical data from Hole C0024A - IODP Expedition 358 Joshua Pwavodi, Mai Linh Doan
Modelling of the post-seismic phase of the Iquique earthquake constrained by GNSS and InSAR observations Juliette Cresseaux, Anne SOCQUET, Mathilde Radiguet, David Marsan, Mathilde Marchandon
Timescales of subduction initiation and evolution of thermal regimes: insights from the Oman metamorphic sole Mathieu Soret, Guillaume Bonnet, Philippe Agard, Kyle Larson, John Cottle, Benoît Dubacq, Mark Button, Nicolas Rividi
The early postseismic phase of Tohoku-Oki earthquake (2011) from kinematics solutions: implication for subduction interface dynamics Axel Periollat, Mathilde Radiguet, Jérôme Weiss, Cedric Twardzik, Lou Marill, Nathalie Cotte, David Amitrano, Anne Socquet